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Taking Your Ideas To Market: How to test the waters before you drown.

How do you know if your product is a go or no go? Besides your friends and lab mates, who do you know that would buy it? Why would they buy it? What is your value proposition?

Johns Hopkins FastForward offers a free short course to Baltimore area researchers and pre-startup teams called I-Corps, as part of the DC I-Corps Node, that teaches researchers and technologists how to gain real world insights into the true value of your technology in the market.

Our friends at IMET and BioBuzz would like you to learn about it too! Prior to BioBuzz on September 28th, come learn about I-Corps, and sleep better, knowing it’s not just grandma who thinks your technology is great. Join Megan Wahler, FastForward Program Manager and Jason Mah, I-Corps Alum and CEO of Playble at 5:00pm while we whet your thirst for BioBuzz at 6:00.

Harbor Launch @ IMET
701 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202
Map of location


  • Johns Hopkins Fast Forward
  • BioBuzz
  • Harbor Launch @ IMET
  • Johns Hopkins Tech Ventures

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